Something to contemplate

Don't dream of where you see yourself in 10 or 20 years, start your journey today so you'll have a story to tell when you get there.....

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dwellingup to Kalamunda we did it the whole 1000 klms

We went carriage riding down at dwellingup

Riss carriage riding

Father and Daughter had a great rest day down in Dwellingup

On the ride

He reckons the walk has made him a pack horse

Sorcha, Colm and
Riss at Dwellingup

First campsite outside of Dwellingup we shared with the laughing ladies and had a great night and it was a case of true confessions!

Boddington Gold Mine, and no we did not find any gold

Mt Wells campsite it is an old hut with a tower we just had a quick lunch break here and then double hutted to white horse hills

Views on the way to white horse hills some hills to climb ahhh

Got in time for tea and then a possum kept us awake about 5 times overnight trying to get our food

Mucking around in the morning on white horse hills

Colm reckons this is the back pack I used (NOT) but used it to go and collect our supplies from North Bannister and had a beer....or two and shared a burger and chips yum easiest 1.5klm walk ever.....

next campsite Nerang and time for a cup of tea

Between Nerang and Mt Cooke we had to climb the mountain and here we are it was only a 12klm day so we had morning tea here and checked our phones

Cairns guided the way on the mountain

Some of the bush we walked through

Colm had the camera and he is worse than a japanese tourist!

Mt Cooke!

Having a break the next day as we had to climb over 2 mountains, Mt Vincent and Mt Cuthbert and here we are having a morning tea break and checking phones again it was a bit of a hot day that one

Views from the mountain

Granite outcrops, hard to walk up but I hear they are slippery when wet!

Posing for the camera on the cairns on top of Mt Vincent

The wee maun

Views from the Mountain with the other mountain we climbed in the background

Monadnocks campsite and colm doing his impression of a homey his pants won't stay up without the belt anymore!

Front view but he's smiling

The campsite and we had shared the site with 4 other campers and had some wildlife that tried to eat our food!

The friendly quenda at the campsite

The fearless possum who thought our food was for him and him alone...

Bush on the way to the next hut

Beautiful grass trees

The creeks and river beds are very dry in the bush need some rain this winter

Canning shelter we got to sleep in that morning as we were meeting lynne and brian who were dropping off our food for the next leg

Here they are good friends dropping off the food and they didn't seem to mind that we hadn't showered for 7 days and Lynne your a champion bringing chocolate cake for us and good to see Jarrah and Brian as well. Glad you did not listen to Jane and bring us tuna sandwiches, she is such a bad person for suggesting that honest, karma will catch up with you drew!

Well maybe lynne did when she smelt Colm.......

A chair was provided with a back as well and we were on the homeward stretch then only 70klms to go....

Mt Dale campsite and he was relaxing back enjoying the tea and a read

We decided that as the distances between huts was on 7-10klms that we double hutted and so we just stopped here at beraking for a tea break

This campsite was rebuilt after being destroyed by fire brought on by a lightening strike

Bush regeneration

Chinese laundry at our next campsite Waaleigh

Such a nice campsite, who is that bloke?

Sunset views better than tv anyday

Views from the bench seat on the mountain

Nearly gone

Then bonus we had a full moon what more can you ask for?

Spectacular views and great setting for our second last night on the track, had the man, the mood and the moon how good is life I ask.

Morning tea at Helena campsite, we met another hiker Christian from Austria here who did not think that they had enough food to last till dwellingup and when we told him that north bannister did not sell track supplies we gave him some of our left over food - our stomachs have really shrunk!

Views from Helena yes another hill we had to climb

Our last campsite for the track having a nana nap! I get tired waking up at 4am and then need to go to bed at 7pm! It was a freezing night.....brrrh and we cuddled up to each other through sleeping bags.....

Our clothes by this time were fairly stinking. On the way to this campsite we came across an Andrew who we had briefly met at Waaleigh and he had put his knee out and limping so even though I have not done orthopaedics for a while I strapped his knee with fixomul (only stuff I had) and a bandage I had brought just incase of a snakebite and seeing he did not have any pain relief gave him some aspirin clear, some people are so unprepared for treking. Anyway I was feeling saintlike at this time and when he came into camp he needed his water bottles filled and so colm started to fill them all 4 as he was then walking a further 3 klm to get his girlfriend to pick him up and there are a lot of bees around the water tank as the forest is so dry and would you believe that the first water bottle andrew drank from he spat something out and said was that a bee and you wouldn't believe it but the bee stung him on the tounge....fortunately he was not allergic and I said to colm, you have the worst luck even when trying to do someone a good turn!

Mundaring Weir on the way to the last campsite

That metal was so cold that time of the morning

On the bridge, not much water in the weir

At the lookout on the other side

At our last campsite penning our thoughts for the end of our walk and enjoying a cup of tea and muesli bar

Magpie needs a drink as well

Its the end of the walk as we know it.....the last 3klm was tough up rock faces and I turned to colm and said I don't think I can do this anymore its too hard, and he turns around and said what the other 960klms weren't? Que?

At the northern terminus

Our reward at the end, cheers big ears! now off to plan our next part of our journey round oz, keep you posted

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