Something to contemplate

Don't dream of where you see yourself in 10 or 20 years, start your journey today so you'll have a story to tell when you get there.....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hong Kong our stopover on the way home.

Hong Kong from the water

One of the ferries we took

Sight-seeing boat on the harbour

buildings galore on the island

Wishing tree at the village near the big budda

Lunch, but ma there's no potatoes!

View of hong kong from the peak.

Grand gated entrance

On the steps to the big budda

Entrance to the temple, had piped chanting going

the inside

Lot of steps to walk to get to the statue

The wisdom path.

Colm near his year of the horse statue

Me near the year of the tiger statue

The budda towers over everything

I knew I was in an asian city when we had toilets like these...

The lights at night

bamboo scaffolding colm couldn't get over it

Another view from the peak bit foggy

On the water at night

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