Something to contemplate

Don't dream of where you see yourself in 10 or 20 years, start your journey today so you'll have a story to tell when you get there.....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Walpole to Northcliffe

This was a really great campsite first one out of albany and we both found it an easy 10klm walk (only easy one this far) In the morning we woke up to the cacophony of the bird chorus, sue you would have loved it

At Mt Clare in amongst the Tingle Trees

He's in awe of these giants

Yes that is me in the dark on the suspension bridge just after Mt Clare, what a wild walk that was really bouncy!

The views along the coast

Long point campsite and boy it said in the book it was only 12.5klms but it was hard over undulating hills of sand.....aargh soft sand = hard walking

Then when we get there this is the path yes that is right through soft sand to the drop toilet. Gee its great being a girl....

Lost beach

Consulting the oracle or the guide to the southern half of the bib track

This was a great campsite as it was the first one near the shannon river or what was left of it as its quite dry out here we both went for a ?bath in the river and it was freezing, here is colm just putting on a cup of tea as you can see we had the shelter to ourselves....

Shannon river or at least the remnants of it most of the rivers here are dry now

Warming up by the fire, kookaburras call out at the end of the evening and the start of the day who needs an alarm?

Again I am in the dark but this is lake Maringup beautiful million dollar views from shelter and the price tag you ask well its just a 25.6klm walk in from dog pool..... we were skeptical at first as the guide book whenever it said flat terrain before it usually meant soft sand but this was an easy days walk although very long

Doing a pope when I touched down only I could not bend my knees at the end of this day.....

Sue we have walked through fields of flowers and these are banskias just beside the track just beautiful

Last camp before northcliffe and can I say brian its all about the food at this time we were on lean rations here is what our typical days food is like breakfast - porridge with skim milk powder and sultanas and some almonds. Morning tea a nescafe coffee (those instant sachets like latte or irish cream) and a muesli bar. Lunch time well its a choice of cup of soup or two minute noodles and some dry biscuits with vegemite (to replace the lost salt) and some cheese sticks. Dinner well that is a choice between tuna sachet and a continental pasta (they say it serves 4 as a side dish, try it yourself bloody ants eat more!) or one of our favourites is pea and ham soup with suprise peas and a cup of cous cous. Yes starvation diet it is but we are coping but have both lost weight!

On a bridge over gardner river on the way to northcliffe

That is how far we have come in just under 3 weeks

That is how far we have left in who knows how long.....

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