Something to contemplate

Don't dream of where you see yourself in 10 or 20 years, start your journey today so you'll have a story to tell when you get there.....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Starting the Bib Track Albany to Denmark

Well we made it to denmark with some sore feet, mine and some sore calves both of us, the 9klm through the soft sand did it for us....Still it is great to be out and walking again really love it and the rest day in denham has made us realise just how relaxed we are, colm had to shut the window in the room this morning because the noise of the cars was too much. Our sense of humour is getting worse and some things I have learnt are; 1. French backpackers with a ukelele who play while i am trying to watch the news have a death wish, 2. Albany backpackers has nothing on the loose box. Things that colm has contemplated while walking the track are "do birds burp?" sorcha if you can find out that answer we would appreciate it? next town walpole where we will share more of our gems of wisdom love raye and colm

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